
Who is Responsible for the Success of a Relationship or Marriage?

love and marriage

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Marriage is a union between two different individuals and for it to be a success, both individuals that have now become a partner in marriage must be willing to put their heads together to make it what they want it to be. It’s not the responsibility of the woman alone, neither is it the responsibility of the man alone to make the relationship or marriage work; as some people are made to believe. Both partners must be willing to put their hearts, minds and bodies completely in it for the relationship/marriage to be a success.

The problem with most relationships or marriages is that, ‘one of the partners always thinks that the other partner is the problem, and that the success of their relationship/marriage is in the hands of that other partner that is being seen as the problem’. That is very far from the truth. Until both of you see yourselves as the problem and be willing to work on yourselves and your relationship/marriage, there’ll always be room for discord in your relationship/marriage because a relationship/marriage can never thrive in an environment of finger pointing.
also read: 5 keys to building a healthy relationship (pt1)

The more you blame your partner for the woes of your relationship/marriage, the more the relationship/marriage will disintegrate. Until both partners come to the realization that they have in them the power to create the kind of marriage that they dreamt of, they can hardly make the relationship a success. Marital success always results from a collective effort from both partners. Only one partner can’t make a relationship/marriage work. Both of you must be willing to join hands together to create what you desire, else it’s going to be an exercise in futility should it be left for one partner alone.
romantic love

Don’t leave the running of your relationship/marriage for your partner alone. Each partner must understand their roles in making the relationship/marriage what they want it to be. Imagine both of you investing peace, love, unity, faithfulness, forgiveness, perseverance, consideration, compromise, selflessness, etc. in your relationship/marriage and see if it will not be a heaven on earth.

Marriage is a union and everything done in it must be done in unison (agreement) for it to progress. Both partners already in a marriage union or going into a marriage union must be willing to give their 50 percent each for their marriage to move forward. Your relationship will progress based on what both of you contribute into it. If you want your relationship to produce a 100% result, then both of you should be prepared to give your 50% effort each.
also read: 5 keys to building a healthy relationship (pt2)

The responsibility of the success of your relationship/marriage is in the hands of both of you. And until both you and you partner realize that the success of your relationship/marriage is dependent on both of you and join hands to work on it to make it what you want it to be, there’s always going to be conflict and dissatisfaction.

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