


Can you remember when your relationship newly started and both of you can’t get enough of each other? You always want to be in the company of each other and do things that will make each other happy.  How come things are no longer that way? Why does it seem like your partner is behaving more withdrawn and uninterested in the relationship as time goes by? Does it mean that he/she is tired of the relationship
and is looking for a way to opt out? These might be some of the questions running through your mind as a result of your partner’s lackadaisical behavior towards the relationship that it is beginning to give you cause for concern.

Worry no more, below are some signs that if observed in your partner consistently for a period of time, you can confidently tell that they are no more interested in the relationship and are looking for a way to opt out.

  • Constant use of frustrating and annoying words:

From the comments your partner makes often you can tell whether or not he/she is still interested in the relationship. If you notice that he/she is very quick to voice their frustration and annoyance over little things or issues that never warrant such actions, then that is a clear sign that he/she is getting tired of the relationship. When you observe such behavior in your partner you need to sit him/her down and talk things over with them before it gets too late.

Understand that sometimes when our partners are angry at us they also behave this way; making silly comments at any little issue in order to get back at us. You need to be observant so you can tell if your partner is making such annoying and frustrating comments because you have offended him/her and he/she wants you to acknowledge what you’ve done and apologize for such behavior or it is because they are really tired of the relationship.

 One way you can know if he/she is making such frustrating comments because he/she is tired of the relationship is when you never did anything wrong and he/she is just making such frustrating comments at little issues that never warrant such comments. That is a clear sign that he/she has really gotten tired of the relationship and is looking for a way to opt out.

  • Loss or lack of interest in the relationship:

If someone that used to give attention to things and issues confronting the relationship suddenly starts giving the ‘I don’t care attitude’ that is a clear sign that he/she is losing interest in the relationship. If he/she pays no attention to the relationship and always looks for an excuse not to involve himself/herself in the relationship, then it’s obvious that he/she has lost interest in the relationship because when you love something you give such thing your undiluted attention.

  • Flares up unnecessarily:

violence in relationship

One of the attributes of love I know is that it is not easily provoked. If your partner that used to be tolerant and understanding is now constantly behaving violent at every little issue, that is a sign that he/she is no more interested in the relationship. Tolerance is very vital for building great relationship. If he/she is always scolding you and picking up fight with you for no just cause, you should understand that it is time both of you sit down and trash things out before things get out of hand.

  • Suddenly starts playing the comparison game:

This is one obvious way you can tell that your partner is losing interest in the relationship. If he/she constantly compare you with others; mostly people you know you are very much better than. Then you should know that he/she has lost interest in the relationship.

One problem that occurs when a partner starts this comparison game is that you can hardly please him/her. No matter how hard you try to please them, they will always come up with something to tell you that you’re not measuring up to. At this stage, it will be of immense benefit to you to sit such partner down and try to talk things through with him/her so that you can ascertain where such dissatisfaction is coming from. And if you observe that such complaints and comparisons are becoming persistent, you had better let him/her go before he/she makes you lose your sanity.

  • Sudden change of behavior:

If he/she suddenly starts behaving as he/she pleases without considering how such actions affect you and the relationship, then you should understand that he/she is fed up with the relationship and is looking for a way to opt out. Relationship is about fighting for each other’s interest and doing things that will make each other better. If all he/she does is aimed at hurting you and making you feel uncomfortable with yourself, then you either call him/her to a discussion and see if you can sort things out with him/her. And if you observe that you couldn’t make any head way in making him/her change such hurtful behavior, then you had better let him/her go before he/she ends up ruining your life the more.

  • Unwillingness to invest in the relationship:

successful relationship

Don’t ever be fooled, successful relationship is an investment and everyone seeking to be in a good relationship understands that. Most people find it difficult to leave a relationship because they feel that they have invested too much in it to let it go that easily. You are more likely to stay and work things out in a relationship you have invested enough in than a relationship you have invested very little in.

When he/she always comes up with excuses when asked for support or assistance on things that will be of benefit to the relationship, then he/she may very likely be fed up with the relationship. You know someone that will stay and work on the relationship by what he/she had invested in the relationship. People that always avoid investing their time, energy, money and themselves in a relationship don’t think they will be in such relationship for long; that is why they don’t want to get themselves involved in it.

Should you observe such behavior in your partner, call him/her to order and know what is preventing him/her from giving his/her all to the relationship; so you can know how to prepare yourself should they decide to leave.

  • Loss or lack of affection and intimacy:

Romance and intimacy are the oil that keeps a relationship running smoothly. if whenever you try to show him/her affection, he/she always withdraws from you without any justifiable reason, then it is obvious that he she is fed up with the relationship. When he/she is reluctant to give affection and when you try to give him/her affection, they withdraw from it, that is an obvious sign that he/she is no more interested in you and the relationship. It is best you call their attention to such behavior and if it persists without any justifiable reason, then you had better let him/her be.

  • Uninterested in making future plans:

No one wants to be in a relationship that has no future prospects. No matter how interesting your relationship may be for now, everyone would want to ensure that things get better in the future, thus the need for future plans. If he/she is very much uninterested in making future plans with you for the relationship, then you should understand that he/she doesn’t see any future in the relationship because they won’t be in it.

Don’t waste your time on someone that doesn’t see any future in your relationship because they don’t want to be in. if you observe such reluctance in your partner to make future plans with you, you better show him/her the exit door before they take your unawares and leave you broken and shattered.

You need to understand that it takes two to tangle. For any relationship to work out, both partners must be willing to join hands together and make the relationship what they want it to be. if you observe consistently most of these signs in your partner and you try to work things out with him/her and nothing seems to change, then you should understand that such partner is no longer interested in the relationship and is only waiting for a better opportunity to show up for him/her to take their leave.

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