There is no way romantic relationship would work out where there is no compromise (conceding to something or an argument you know you should have won). Anyone that wants to be successful in building great relationship with the opposite sex must understand that times will come when he/she will be required to shift grounds; not because he/she is
weak or being manipulated, but because it is necessary for the success of the relationship and the relationship requires it to sail smoothly.

Compromising is a vital part of every relationship that anyone intending to have a successful relationship should be willing to do. People that always stand their ground don’t go far in the relationship journey. Relationship can hardly thrive in an environment where everyone is always holding to their views and way of doing things.

If partners in relationship could be able to separate those things that are important and necessary for their life as individuals from those things that spring up as a result of ego and selfishness, there would be fewer fracases in most people’s relationships. Inability to distinguish between those things you should hold on to and never give up on; because they help in forming who you are from those things that are not part of your make up create some of the confusions most people encounter in their relationships.

Always saying ‘this is who I am’ or ‘that’s how it should be done,’ etc. means that you’re not ready to take your relationship to the next level. Or maybe you don’t consider your partner worthy enough to give up that thing for. Most of the arguments we encounter in our relationships are as a result of one partner not willing to let go.

No matter how important you might think your views are, it would do you and your relationship a great deal of good if you could learn to put your views aside sometimes and listen to the views of you partner. You love him/her, right? Compromising on issues sometimes is one of the ways you can show your partner that you truly loves him/her and values your relationship with him/her.

If you really want to have a successful relationship, compromising on things you know wouldn’t cost you much should not be a problem. Even if it would cost you very much, that is one of the sacrifices we pay for being in love with our partner.

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