In the USA it is a general belief that infidelity is one of the unforgiveable sins in a committed relationship and anyone that dares cross that line of unfaithfulness should be shown the exit door without a second thought. the situation is even worsened by the media as they tend to tag anyone that tries to work things out
with his/her repentant partner as ’weak’. Two questions I would like to ask here are, ‘do cheaters really deserve a second chance? And on what ground should a partner that has been cheated on consider giving the other partner that had crossed that unforgivable line of cheating a second chance?’

One problem I have observed in my relationship and that of other people around me is that, we tend to listen more to what those around us have to say about our relationship and allow their standard influence our decisions in the relationship. We tend to listen more to what the society say is acceptable rather that what we want. Most people have left relationship that should have stood the test of time because the society made them believe that staying and working things out is a sign of weakness and low self esteem: when in the real sense such action connotes great strength and courage.

 Irrespective of what anyone has to say about you or your relationship, you need to understand that your relationship is your business and no one else’s. Any decision you make in your relationship should be done with the knowledge that you are the one wearing the shoes and only you know where it pinches. The decision of whether to give a cheating partner a second chance or not should be determined by you without listening to any external influence because you’re the one that will still wear the shoes in the end.

Now let’s get back to the above question, should a cheat really be given a second chance? Will he/she sincerely change? Can there ever be trust in such relationship?

Here’s is my take on this. Cheating is an act that doesn’t occur suddenly in a relationship, it takes a lot of pre-thoughts and plans for someone in a committed relationship to carry out an act of cheating successfully. Dissatisfaction with oneself, ones partner and ones relationship is the second most common causes of cheating after selfishness.

Cheating affects every aspect of a relationship and the psychology of the partner that is cheated on is also greatly affected. But can things really be worked on and the relationship restored back to normal after cheating had occurred? Should a cheat really be given a second chance? There is no direct answer whether a cheat should be given a second chance or not, but there are questions that need to be answered in order for one to know if he/she should work things out or take a walk. Such questions include, is the cheat sorry and repentant? Is it a one-time fling or a continuous pre-determined action? Is he/she willing to work on himself/herself and the relationship? Is the one cheated on willing to forgive and work things out should the cheat feel sorry and repentant?

The question of whether a cheat should be given a second chance or not depends on the partner that is cheated on and the actions of the cheat after such act. Cheating is hardly forgotten in a relationship because it connotes betrayal and breed suspicion and lack of trust thereafter. Any committed relationship where cheating had ever occurred requires much more care in order for it to gain balance again.  But if the partner that is cheated on can forgive and the cheat is willing to turn a new leave and work on the relationship, something can actually be done. The bottom line of whether a cheat should be given a second chance or not depends on if both partners will be willing to work on the relationship and put whatever might have happened behind them.

The one cheated on will feel deeply hurt and betrayed, but if the cheating partner feels really sorry and repentant, something can really be worked out. Nobody is a saint as everyone has flaws in them. Yes, your partner has deeply hurt you, but is there any chance that something can be worked out with him/her should he/she feel sorry and repentant?

People get carried away sometimes and let the situation they were in dictate their actions. If your partner cheated because he/she was in a situation like that and they really feel sorry and sincerely want to work things out, don’t you think he/she should be given a second chance?

No relationship can ever thrive in an environment where there is no forgiveness no matter how big or small the offence might be. Though, that doesn’t mean that we should go about deliberately hurting our partner and asking for forgiveness in the end. It simply means that our partner may do things in the relationship that may stretch us to our limit. The decision whether or not to forgive them and work things out will depend on us and how sincerely they feel sorry and want our forgiveness.

Everyone one deserves a second chance if they really feel sorry for their actions and sincerely wants to work things out. You need to understand that your relationship is your business, thus you should let no one decide or influence how you run it because you are the one that will wear the shoes in the end.

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