I was in a relationship seminar on a certain Sunday evening and the speaker called for questions after she had rounded off her teaching. Among all the questions asked that day, this was the one that caught my attention and it was asked by a very pretty young lady. She asked, “what do I need to do to keep a man?’ “That is, how can I make him really stay with me and be willing to commit to me?

The response the speaker gave to her question really left me thinking deep. The speaker simply replied her thus, “you don’t need to do anything to keep a man because you can’t make him stay with you no matter how hard you try and what you do.” The question you should be asking is,”how do i know a man that is going to commit himself to me and our relationship?”

This is one of the mistakes most single ladies make. They do everything to try to make a man commit to them and after their strength had been drained, he still never committed to them. What do you need to look out for to know if he’s going to commit to you? You may have all the good qualities but if he’s not going to stay with you, he won’t commit to you. Stop looking for a man that you’re going to make or persuade to commit to you, look for one that will be willing to commit to you.

This piece is written to give you an idea on what to look out for in a man that will be willing to stay and commit to you in the long run.
  • His communication pattern:
Take note of how he communicates with you. A man that will stay and commit to you; after he’s been sure that you’re the one, uses the ‘we’ word often when communicating with you. He makes you part of his life and tries to include you in his schedule.  He lets you know his intentions and what he wants from the relationship. He doesn’t use deceptive words to always have his way with you. Whenever he talks about his future, he always includes you in it and seeks for your opinions.
  • He puts your interest first:
Humans are selfish by nature both male and female – though, different people exhibit that selfishness in various degrees. Should he considers your opinions and your needs before taking any action that’s going to affect your relationship, then he’s someone that’s likely going to stay and commit to you in the long run.

One way of knowing hit and run men is that, they always put their interest first. The truth is that, the time they spend with you through out the period of the relationship is to try to get what they want from you, and after they’ve gotten it to their satisfaction, they move to the next prey.
Understand that when a man always put your interest into consideration then he’s likely going to walk the miles with you.

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  • Your company excites him:
When he looks forward to spending time with you and being in your company- irrespective of the activity that’s going to take place, then he might be someone that’s likely going to stay and commit to you. If the only time or times he comes around is when he wants to get some, then you should be cautious of such categories of men because they’re likely there for the benefits and not to build a life with you. A man that would stay and commit to you in the long run is excited when in your company and he makes such times with you worthwhile.
  • He is willing to make improvements for you:
He tries to make you happy and improve on those aspects of his life that might be a challenge to your relationship because he cherishes you. He’s willing to make an adjustment for the sake of your relationship. He doesn’t always tell you, this is who I am and if you can’t accept me the way i am, then you don’t love me nonsense. Men that use that line a lot are only trying to manipulate you pending when they have gotten what they are looking for from you.

when a man thinks that he has found the right person for himself, he tries to work on those bad qualities of his that you might have brought his attention to because he does not want to lose you as a result of such bad behaviors. Even if in some cases he may not stop doing such things entirely, he always puts effort into it to let you know that he values you and the relationship.
  • He respects and values you:
A man that is going to stay and commit to you will show that he respects you in every way through his actions. He doesn’t undermine you. He treats you with respect and let you know that he values you. He doesn’t talk you down or let anyone put you down in his presence. He listens to your opinions and is willing to sacrifice for the success of your relationship.
  • He introduces you to those that matters in his life:
When a man thinks that he has found the one woman for him, he introduces her to those that are important in his life; his parents, family members, friends, pastor etc. this is a sign that he wants to go the miles with you.

 Understand that there is a great difference between showing off and introducing when it comes to relationship. A man might decide to show you off to his friends; that might not mean that he has made up his mind to go the miles with you. But, if he could invite you to his home and introduce you to his parents as his girl friend or fiancee, then he is likely going to stay and commit to you in the long run.

When it comes to relationship, no one knows it all. You need to understand that what works for one might not work of another when it comes to relationship. So you have to use your own discretion when making decisions and taking actions, so as to ensure that you are not making a mistake you’re going to regret all your life.

Please don’t forget to share this piece on your social media platforms should you find it interesting and your comments are highly welcome.

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