Your in-laws cannot be totally ruled out from your marital affairs because they may play some vital roles in helping you and your spouse build a healthy marital relationship. Your in-laws’ involvement in your marriage could either help it grow or hurt it. But when they start getting involved or start prying into every of your family’s affairs to the extent that it started creating some form of conflict between you and your spouse, then we can classify that as an unhealthy involvement that should be curtailed. But, how do you deal with such without seeming like you want to deprive them from coming in contact with their son or daughter?

 Some in laws are so annoying to the extent that they’ll tend to make you feel like you’re not good enough for their son or daughter. There was a case that occurred sometime ago where the husband’s mother keeps going back to the marital home of her son requesting to cook for her son on the ground that his wife can’t cook his local delicacies of which her son is very much accustomed to; since she’s from a different tribe. What should one do in such kind of a delicate situation?

Some people might resort to standing their ground and stating that since the supposed person has gotten married to them, nobody should be involved in teaching them on how to run their lives and family, thereby creating strains in the relationship between them and their in - laws. How do you tell them off without sounding rude and still maintain a cordial relationship with them?
  • make them understand that you are not stealing their son/daughter away from them:

Some families see someone coming to take their daughter or son in marriage as an intruder coming to occupy their space in his/her life. Hence, they would want to do everything possible to resist such an intruder. Their suspicion get heightened when the one coming to seek for their son’s or daughter’s hand in marriage start putting up some funny behaviors or practices that is not at par with theirs.
 Such suspicion would make them ensure that such person never have his or her space as they would always want to be in the person’s family’s business to know what he/she is up to in his or her relationship with their son/daughter. Some families might even send someone to go and be living with the said couple so as to feed them with information about the marriage of their son or daughter. Should this be the case, how do you assure your in-laws that you’re not going to turn the heart of their daughter or son away from them?

Show them with your attitude that their son/daughter will always have them at heart and would be available whenever he/she is called upon for any important family function. With this you might make them feel at ease and dampen any suspicion and tension they might have had of you coming to steal their son or daughter away from them.
  • Make effort to get close to your in-laws:


When your in-laws see you as one of their own, they hardly interferes in your family’s affairs in a way that you’ll consider unacceptable unless you invite them into the issue yourself; because they’ll believe that you have their interest at heart.
How do you get close to your in-laws? You make them know that you care about them by visiting and spending time with them as often as possible or calling as often as you have the chance. You may even decide to go with them to some family functions once in a while, so as to build the bond of relationship between you and them.
The bottom line here is building a cordial relationship - not an artificial type of relationship that you’re going to ignore the moment they’ve given you their son or daughter, but a relationship that’s going to be on the long run. When you have a cordial relationship with your in-law they hardly bother or pry into your family’s affairs.

What some people intending to get married do most times is that, they’ll tend to get close to their said in-laws during the initial stage that they are seeking for the approval of their supposed in laws and distance themselves the moment they’ve gotten that approval. This in turn creates a kind of distrust in the hearts of their in-laws and would prompt them into wanting to get involved in such person’s marriage to their son/daughter to see what he or she might be up to.
 To the ladies, note that when you have a cordial relationship with your in-laws, the possibility of your husband misbehaving is reduced as you have a lot of people that can help you caution him should he decide to misbehave: So the chance for divorce and break up is greatly reduced when a cordial relationship is maintained with the in-laws.
 Also when a man observes that his wife is putting effort at maintaining a cordial relationship with his family, he tends to love her more. But the downside of this is when the husband sensed that his wife is getting closer to his family so as to form a unified force against his excesses, mostly if it has to do with situations where the man is misbehaving; they tend to resist any alliances their wife would want to form with their families.
Creating a close and sincere relationship with your in-laws goes a long way into softening their hearts toward you, thereby prompting them to treat you and your marriage with respect.
  • Know when to set boundaries:

Just as getting to know your in-laws and building a close relationship with them is important, also knowing when to set boundaries is equally important. The problem with most people, mostly ladies is that no sooner than they get married to their spouse than they start creating unnecessary boundaries on what and what could be done by her in-laws when they come around.
This creates a kind of resentment in the hearts of the in-laws toward her and they would want to show her that the supposed spouse she’s now claiming was once and still is; their son, brother, etc.

If you have been able to build a cordial relationship with your in-laws, then setting reasonable boundaries on what is acceptable by you and what isn’t in the course of your relationship with their son or brother wouldn’t be a problem.
 Don’t be quick to want to tell your in-laws off like some ladies do when they feel that they’ve been able to secure their place in the man’s life; as it only creates more room for conflicts between her and her in-laws.
  • Present yourself responsibly:

Once you’re viewed as an irresponsible person by your in-laws, then your marriage is going to suffer for it.  They would tend to see no reason why their son/daughter would want to be with an irresponsible individual like you; hence they would always want to keep an eye on you in other to ensure that their son or daughter is in good condition. How do you present yourself responsibly before your in- laws?
Note what you say and how you react to what you hear when you’re in their company as they tend to judge your person by what they hear you say or do. They may laugh with you or think you are funny, but they may also nurse some doubts if you’re the right one for their son or daughter. So your words, actions and reactions should be guarded when in the company of your in laws, else you might only end up setting yourself up for some marital intrusion and problems.
  • Keep your family's problems to yourself:


In laws involvement in marriages is heightened when they suspect that their son or daughter is being treated unfairly by his/her spouse. How would your in-laws know what’s going on in your family if one of you does not go and complain to them about your family’s issues?
The more you complain about your spouse to your in laws or your family members, the more they would want to get involved in your family’s affairs. They would start seeing your spouse as an enemy and would want to do anything possible to push him/her away from you. So if you don’t want your in-laws’ involvement in your family’s affairs, limit what you tell them about your family and your spouse.
  • Show a lot of affection to their son/daughter when in their presence:

I am not asking you to pretend that all is well, when all might not be well in the real sense. But when your in-laws sense that you have a cordial, lovely and affectionate relationship with their son or daughter, they wouldn’t want to get involved in your affairs because they would have this notion that all is well between you and their son or daughter and wouldn’t want to do anything jeopardize that.

One way some couples set themselves up for in-laws negative involvement in their marriages is by behaving harshly and rudely to their spouse in the presence of his/her in-laws, this create some forms of negative ideas in the mind of their in-laws on how you’re treating their son/daughter and that might want to make them intrude in your family’s affairs to know what’s going on.
So be very careful of the kind of action you portray in the presence of your in-laws toward your spouse as it either increase their trust for you in taking good care of their son/daughter or it increases their negative thoughts about you and make them want to pry into your marriage the more to see what’s going on.

In-laws involvement in marriages could either be a marriage strengthener or a marriage killer depending on how well you go about it. Understand that the sort of relationship you build with your in-laws go a long way to affect your own romantic relationship with your spouse and determines the extent of your in-laws’ involvement in your marriage.
You can actually win your in-laws over and make them to always stand by your side when the need arises or make them to be against you and always want to pry into every of your marital affairs. So play your cards well when dealing with your in-laws and you’ll be the one to benefit greatly from it.


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